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Properstar SA

Honesty Prism Unipessoal Lda
  • Mehr erfahren 30494359

Wohnung zu kaufen in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

  • Wohnung
  • · 4 Zimmer
  • · 181 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 1.340.000 € Kaufpreis
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Penthouses are exclusive apartments on the top floor of each building. At its elevated height, above any building in the region, it offers a unique level of privacy and comfort.
You have suites and rooms with built-in wardrobes, and fully equipped ...mehr lesen
Penthouses are exclusive apartments on the top floor of each building. At its elevated height, above any building in the region, it offers a unique level of privacy and comfort.
You have suites and rooms with built-in wardrobes, and fully equipped kitchens, integrated into a large living room.
Some T4 penthouses privilege a private swimming pool on the terrace, allowing you to enjoy moments of relaxation while admiring a unique landscape, where the blue of the Douro and the urban beauty of the Invicta City extend infinitely across two its eyes.
These apartments offer a unique residential experience, where the luxury of comfortable living blends harmoniously with the private views of the river, the surrounding gardens and the cities of Porto and Gaia.
Incredible opportunity to live near the river and near the Sea. The Marina Douro project stands out for being inserted in a sheltered, elevated area next to the Douro River.
T4 with E/W exposure, area of 181 m2 and verandah of 82 m2, 2 parking spaces and a storage room on the 2nd floor
A 2-minute walk away, Marina de Afurada opens a horizon of possibilities for spending time with two and the family. To its extent it allows you to explore the coastal area, on foot or by boat, or enjoy a quiet walk at the end of the day.
Located next to Marina, on the banks of the Douro River, Marina Douro is close to two main points of interest to modern families. In the business surroundings you will find several schools and colleges for all age groups, pharmacies, shopping centers in Arrábida and hypermarkets of various franchises.
The project consists of 4 8-story buildings, two of which are 2 built. With a total of 157 apartments, typologies ranging from T1 to T5, with fully equipped kitchens and spacious terraces with panoramic views.
Some apartments have a terrace with a private pool or jacuzzi.
All apartments have private parking spaces in the garage of their building.
It houses a selection of bars and restaurants with panoramic views of the Douro, where you can enjoy family meals or a cool drink in the company of your face-mate while watching the sun over the Douro River.
Next to Porto and Gaia, the project encompasses the advantages of living in the city, while maintaining long its busiest areas. Living here is a refuge in a quiet and safe area, surrounded by nature, and close to schools, parks and supermarkets.

The Afurada cycle path extends for almost 6 km, linking Marina Douro to the picturesque area of the Marina, the green and picnic areas of the S.Paio park, and the beaches of Cabedelo do Douro, in less than 7 minutes um pe.
Located less than 15 minutes from the center of Porto and Gaia, here you benefit from proximity to everyone who needs not to go day to day without giving up the comfort of private parking and the liberating feeling of living in a quiet place where nature reigns.

Elevator, playground, seating area and lazer, water spray, walkways, ecopontos.
● FLOOR Madeira de Carvalho, multi-layered with final layer in dark wood.
● KITCHEN CABINETS with doors made of water-repellent MDF lacquered with CIN 06N2 on the doors and
Visible elements, water-repellent melamine, ensure that the elements are not visible.
● HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Vitroceramic hob, Oven, Microwave, Exaustor integrated in mobile;
Washing machine and combined refrigerator or side by side (optional alternative with the most value)
Bosch brand or equivalent;


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    181 m²
  • Gesamtfläche (ca.)
    263 m²
  • Nutzfläche (ca.)
    181 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

Vila Nova de Gaia · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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