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Properstar SA

Guthrie Rocha Propertie
  • Mehr erfahren 30502309

Haus zu kaufen in Bordeira, Portugal

  • Haus
  • · 6 Zimmer
  • · 514 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 25.250 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 2.500.000 € Kaufpreis
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A special opportunity to acquire this exquisite estate with equestrian facilities, nestled amongst nature but with all the convenience of being close to the historic castle town of Aljezur and easy connection to the famous Marina town of Lagos.
The ...mehr lesen
A special opportunity to acquire this exquisite estate with equestrian facilities, nestled amongst nature but with all the convenience of being close to the historic castle town of Aljezur and easy connection to the famous Marina town of Lagos.
The property consists of 3 plots of land totalling 25.250m2 which is fully fenced throughout, the main residence with 4 bedrooms plus a separate 1 +1 bedroom apartment adjoining and an independent 3 bedroom cottage on the neighbouring plot.
Main residence:
The property boasts a unique sophisticated style with striking and impressive features. The most spectacular atrium with high natural stone walls and marble sourced from ancient Northern Portuguese churches sits as the central hub of the house, connecting to the kitchen, dining room and family room while enjoying the views across one of the garden’s terraces and the swimming pool. The natural light from the sky lights illuminates the house.
As the home was previously run as a boutique bed & breakfast, the property offers 5 spacious bedroom suites, all with independent access and large well appointed bathrooms and walk in wardrobes or dressing rooms. Each suite features an outside area, offering many different spots to sit and enjoy the sound of the birds, from garden access from the ground floor suites and exceptional views of nature from the balconies.
The living area communicates to the dining room and kitchen. The open plan style is social and a gives a feeling of space with multiple access points to the gardens and grounds.
There is a feature wine cellar, with stone walls that also provides additional storage.
The property is heated with a modern internal wall and floor heating system with solar panels and gas plus wood burner for back up. There is air conditioning in all rooms.
For water, there are 2 bore holes, one 90m deep and one 25m which is used to irrigate the paddock. The property is also conveniently connected to the mains water and electricity and fibre internet.
The main large terrace, overlooking the grounds and swimming pool provides a shaded sheltered area, with the option to also enjoy the warm sun.
The swimming pool is heated via solar and is a generous size.
An outdoor kitchen built in a Mediterranean style, provides an excellent place to cook and enjoy the Al fresco lifestyle this special part of the world offers.
There are many features to enjoy as you walk the landscaped grounds, all very carefully thought and accomplished. For example, the coy carp pond offers a tranquil stop and the children’s play area is constructed in natural wood, keeping the surroundings in mind.
Many cork trees and other trees & bushes provide subtle shade as you stroll the grounds which are watered via an irrigation system.
The horse stables, which could be converted into an additional property in the future, have already been built with this in mind. The primary construction is in place, along with the pipes for a kitchen and bathroom.
At present, this building provides a shelter for the resident horses.
There is a separate two bed studio apartment accessed next to the house. This is fully equipped with a modern kitchen, bathroom and a charming outside area.
The flow of the property makes it versatile as a traditional family home, the purpose it is currently used for, or as business opportunity.
Independent Cottage:
On the direct neighbouring land, which has been connected by the current owner, provides perfect accommodation for your guests. The property, with three bedroom and 2 bathrooms, features high ceilings and large living space. There are solar panels for heating of the water and central heating radiators. Although next door to the main residence, the cottage provides very private accommodation and shares the tranquil, serene ambiance of the whole property.
Rustic plot:
The connected 8250m2 rustic land is currently used as equestrian facilities. The fenced paddocks have water and irrigation, there are two open stables and a separate riding arena.
This property offers the perfect opportunity if you are looking for a slice of paradise with privacy and tranquillity, but with the convenience of being close enough to local amenities and stunning beaches and coastline.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    514 m²
  • Gesamtfläche (ca.)
    514 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    25.250 m²
  • Nutzfläche (ca.)
    514 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

Aljezur · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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